
  The 1911 Revolution ended dynastic rule in China and paved the way for the founding of Asia's first republic. Triggered by an accidental bomb explosion in Wuchang (modern-day Wuhan), the revolution marked the culminating point of decades of internal rebellion, foreign aggression and political decline; its leaders drew on a ferment of reformist and revolutionary ideas produced by some of China's greatest modern thinkers. Although 1911 did not resolve China's problems, it changed the country for ever, clearing a path for modernisation, and making possible the more decisive revolution of 1949.

  China in Revolution assembles a remarkable survey of historical photographs from leading collections around the world. The images stretch from the Second Opium War to the Boxer Rebellion and wars with Russia and Japan, the outbreak of revolution, through the rise and fall of Yuan Shikai and the ensuing warlord era.

  Accompanying an introductory essay by the editor Liu Heung Shing are essays from three scholars of revolutionary China — Joseph Esherick of UC San Diego, Zhang Haipeng of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and Max K.W. Huang of the Academia Sinica — reflecting on the causes, achievements and failures of 1911, and its enduring meaning.


Liu Heung Shing

  Liu is a former foreign correspondent and photojournalist whose postings took him from Beijing to Los Angeles, New Delhi to Seoul, and to Moscow for the Associated Press. During that time he photographed major world events form the Soviet military occupation of Afghanistan to civil war in Sri Lanka and China’s burgeoning economic reforms.

  He was also on hand to capture the fall of the USSR: in 1992, Liu shared a Pulitzer Prize for Spot News and an Overseas Press Club Award for his coverage of the Soviet Union’s collapse. In 1989, Liu was honored with award of Picture of the Year by the School of Journalism at the University of Missouri. In the same year, Liu was named Best Photographer by the Associated Press Managing Editors.

  Liu is the author of the widely acclaimed photographic documentation China After Mao and Soviet Union: Collapse of an Empire. He is the editor of China, Portrait of a Country, which has been published in six languages. The book was selected by Britain's Sunday Times as the Best Picture Book 2008.

  In 2010, Liu co-authored with Karen Smith Shanghai, A History in Photographs 1842 to Today. In 2004, Paris Photo named Liu as one of the hundred most influential people in contemporary photography.

  Liu graduated from Hunter College. City University of New York in 1975. He lives and works in Beijing.


  • ISBN:9789888139507
  • 規格:精裝 / 416頁 / 16k / 19 x 26 x 5.82 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:香港
  • 本書分類:> > >



最近,你稱體重了嗎? 節後發福的你, 急需一組快速健身減脂的動作! 所以,今天要推薦的就是一組HIIT 看起來簡單,做完一組就會大汗淋漓 練十幾分鐘也有慢跑半小時的效果 就是這麼神奇~ ... 什麼是HIIT? HIIT(High-intensity Interval Training)是高強度間歇訓練法,就是在一定時間內重複「高強度運動+低強度運動」的循環,用在跑步里,就是先進行百米衝刺再慢跑,這種高低強度相結合的運動模式。 由於HIIT這種訓練方法會在十幾分鐘內消耗100%的體力,所以非常適合有一定運動基礎的跑友們來訓練,因為我們本身的心肺耐力就比較強。 一份研究報告表明,HIIT能提高運動後24小時的靜止代謝率,也就是說,只要動作和強度達標,在你完成訓練後,整整一天一夜脂肪都會繼續「燃燒」哦~ 9個簡單高效的HIIT燃脂動作。 01支撐開合跳20次 ... 俯身,雙手位於肩部正下方,手肘微曲,核心收緊,雙腿開合跳躍,跳躍過程中臀部上下幅度越小越好。 如果想挑戰自己,可以試試平板支撐的狀態下這樣開合跳……那酸爽,你一定會回來留言的! 02俯身對角提膝20次 ... 俯身,雙臂位於肩部正下方,雙手與雙腳支撐身體,核心收緊,手肘微曲,屈膝向前向內抬起一條腿至動作頂點後還原換邊。 對於跑友來說,這個動作在提升軀幹穩定性方面有很大幫助哦。 03支撐轉體踢腿20次 ... 踢腿時腹肌應有強烈收縮感,身體隨腿完全扭轉,同時目光跟隨踢出的腿移動;腿踢直之後略作停頓,還原換邊。 04跳遠10次 05俯身跨步登山20次 ... 總是說不能跑步悶死了,現在就教你一個比跑步酸爽百倍的登山跨步!記得輪換腿時是跳動起來同時更換的哦。 俯身,雙臂位於肩部正下方,雙手與肩同寬支撐身體,挺直背部,收緊核心,一側腳邁到同側手的旁邊,回到俯撐狀態,邁另一側腳。 06單腿伏地挺身+前後爬行10次 是男人就堅持十秒!反正,我只能堅持爬兩下…… 07滑雪跳20次 ... 仿滑雪姿勢,左右跳,起跳瞬間擺臂、轉身、蹬腿同時發力,一條腿落地時,另一條腿向後擺動,雙手自然擺臂,落地後後腳腳尖可以輕點地保持平衡。 記得膝蓋不能超過腳尖,用臀部力量吸收落地的緩衝,動作輕盈流暢,帶有彈性。 08支撐抬臀20次 ... 俯身,雙臂位於肩部正下方,雙腿打開雙腳與肩同寬,雙手與雙腳支撐身材,核心收緊,從頭到腳是一條直線,向上抬臀同時抬起一側手臂去觸摸對側小腿,頂點稍停後還原換邊。 09原地爬行10次 直立,雙手雙腿與肩同寬,雙腿伸直(如果柔韌性不夠,不要勉強,雙膝微屈),彎腰至手掌觸地,雙手依次向前爬行,至手位於頭部正下方,稍做停留,此時身體軀幹保持一條直線。 雙手依次向後退還原。還原後向上抬起雙臂伸展整個身體。 每個動作之間的休息在20秒左右,在輕微的活動中,你需要保持呼吸節奏,等待心率的下降和下一個動作的到來。














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